Our offices are now conveniently located in Cedar Grove, New Jersey and Staten Island, New York.
New Locations
While we have consolidated our offices and given up our Verona, New Jersey, Brooklyn and Manhattan addresses, we will still be servicing the same regions as before. Our telephone numbers have not changed and remain (973) 812-8660 and (718) 748-6625.
Our distinct e-mail address will continue to be: DisputeLaw@aol.com. All correspondence should now be sent to 59 Chestnut Court, Cedar Grove, New Jersey. Appointments will be conducted at 282 Morningstar Road, Staten Island, New York 10303, upon request only.
About Glenn Milgraum, P.C.
We are a "General Practice" law firm with emphasis on all forms of litigation in State and Federal courts located in New Jersey and New York. Representing Plaintiffs and Defendants in disputes involving Matrimonial, Family Law, Custody, Relocation, Real Estate, Property Interests, Corporate, Business, Commissions, and other general grievances. We continue to act as "Of Counsel" to other Law Firms.
Mr. Milgraum is listed on the roster of court and is approved to provide services as a "Civil Mediator" and as a "Mediator for Economic Aspects of Family Law Cases" (including Domestic Violence Cases) pursuant to New Jersey Rule 1:40. [New York has no equivalent requirement]. Services are provided in a comfortable environment to facilitate mutual resolution of conflicts in dispute.
As always evening and Weekend hours are available.